๐Ÿ—ผ AI Drives Marine Sustainability

Also, $1B for AI driving tech, NVIDIA's to boost US gov, and Apple unveils iPad Pro.

Innovation Snapshot

โ€œIf innovation were easy, everyone could do it, and then innovation could no longer be a source of advantage.โ€ 

โ€” Gary Pisano, Harvard Business School.

Welcome to your Lighthouse!

In today's lineup:

  • AI drives marine sustainability with One Ocean and McKinsey.

  • Wayve secures $1B for AI-driven autonomous driving tech.

  • NVIDIA's SuperPOD to boost US government AI projects.

  • Apple unveils iPad Pro with M4 chip and Tandem OLED.

  • Laterbase redefines bookmark management with AI.

  • Webinar on Transforming Innovation in Your Business on May 16th.

Reading time: 5 min.

AI NEWS ๐Ÿ—ž๏ธ


One Ocean Foundation collaborates with McKinsey's QuantumBlack to harness AI in safeguarding marine environments through data-driven sustainability practices.


  • Data-Driven Insights: Their AI analysis of thousands of reports reveals innovative conservation strategies.

  • Impactful Collaboration: This partnership blends environmental science with cutting-edge technology to address marine challenges.

  • Award-Winning Efforts: Their work was recognized for its significant contribution to responsible environmental practices.

SoftBank spearheads UK's largest AI investment as Wayve unveils vision for intelligent, human-like driving dynamics.

Why This Is Important: This monumental investment marks a pivotal moment in automotive innovation. With Wayve's "Embodied AI" approach, driving dynamics are set to undergo a revolutionary transformation, promising safer roads and unparalleled connectivity.

Under a new White House initiative, NVIDIA's powerful DGX SuperPOD will drive critical AI research in climate science, healthcare, and cybersecurity through MITREโ€™s deployment.

Why This Is Important: This move greatly strengthens the U.S. government's ability to address major challenges in science and security. With powerful computing resources, federal agencies can speed up AI innovations, helping to tackle climate change, boost healthcare, and strengthen cybersecurity more effectively.

At their recent Let Loose event, Apple rolled out some big updates for its iPad range. The star of the show? The new iPad Pro, now featuring the snazzy M4 chip and cutting-edge Tandem OLED screen tech, all set to deliver top-notch performance and a stunning visual experience.

Why This Is Important: The new iPad Pros are faster and look better than ever, making everything from watching movies to working on the go a better experience. Plus, the new iPad Air gives you more options to find a tablet that fits what you need, whether for work or play.


Laterbase is your go-to buddy for managing bookmarks in a breeze. It's like having a super-smart assistant always at your service.

  • Effortless Bookmarking: No more fussing around. Just save your bookmarks effortlessly.

  • Quick Search with AI: Need to find something? Laterbase's AI-powered search makes it a piece of cake. You can even ask questions about your bookmarks, and it'll find the answers for you.

  • Talk to Your Bookmarks: Yup, you read that right. With Laterbase, you can have real conversations with your bookmarks. Need more info? Just ask, and it'll be there in a jiffy.

  • Stay Productive: Keep everything neat and tidy, so you never lose track of those important links and resources.


AI Copilot

A sophisticated conversational interface that harnesses the power of large language models to assist users in a variety of tasks and decision-making processes within an enterprise setting. This tool is designed to integrate seamlessly across multiple domains, from customer service and HR to finance and IT, providing tailored support and insights based on the vast knowledge embedded in its models.


Quick Update!

Our upcoming event on Transforming Innovation In Your Business has been moved to next week, Thursday, May 16th.

Join us to uncover how to fully harness AI's potential and transform your business with its impactful innovations.

Register now and secure your place!


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๐Ÿ—ผ Thatโ€™s a wrap!

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โ€” Matt and the Future Works team